Hello everyone. I joined this board in June of 2010. I received a lot of support and met many wonderful ladies. I also have endured the pain of seeing most of them pass. The only name I recognize is Tethys41. I mostly post on Facebook on a couple of pages dedicated to ovarian cancer.
I was diagnosed with Stage IIIc ovarian cancer on March 16, 2010. I've had two recurrences and am currently going through my fourth treatment for the second recurrence. I have not been able to get to remission because my body will not tolerate the number of infusions necessary to potentially get there. So we blast it for a while, then take a break, then blast it again when it starts wreaking havoc.
I am 69, 62 at diagnosis. So my golden years are not as golden as I imagined they'd be. But I am going to fight this thing as long as I can.
This year has been particularly difficult because my mom passed on March 24. We lived together but even at 92 she was a comfort and help to me. Then on May 4 my cousin who was like a sister to me passed suddenly. My cousin and I were only 11 days apart so we were always part of each other's lives. Within six weeks I lost two of the most important people in my life. I'm dealing with it, it's a struggle and I cry every day.
Anyway I just thought I'd check in. I wish you all the best.