Hi everyone. I have not been diagnosed with anything as of now. I have had extreme hip pain for a year. My doc said bursitis, so had a shot in the hip. Felt better a couple days, but then pain came back. Not to the extent it had been, but hard sleeping because of pain. Ordered MRI. Nothing wrong in hip, but they noticed a cyst that was quite large 12.2x9cm. SO they ordered an ultrasound, which came back with lobulated cystic lesion - now they have ordered a CT scan which I am having next week. I am 56 years old, had a partial hysterectomy a year and a half ago. They couldn't do a full hysterectomy due to complications from a lot of scar tissue in my abdomen - I guess from previous surgeries I had through the years. Ultrasound confirmed size of 12.2x9x9cm. Should I be concerned? From what I have been reading - there is a lot of info out there that sometimes I don't even want to read, but want to be pro-active about my health. Both my parents and my oldest brother died from cancer. Any information from someone who has a systic lesion this size would be greatly appreciated.
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