A few weeks back I went to the hosptial with bad tummy pain. A ct scan was done and it was noted my tummy looked like a battle field with the adhesions from operatons I had when I was a child and a hystorectomy done years ago from the adhesion issues. They said they saw a 4cm cyst on my right ovary. I went home. I have been going to my doc for these tummy issues for the last 6 months. I have had issues all my life with IBS. I was reffered to a gyn. I am 56 years old. I had a vaginal ultrasaound done. The doc came in and said there was not cyst and the overies looked good. They took a C 125 test and it came back 230! I freaked out. My crp was 10.9 in Jan and jumped to 23.9 and now it is 20.5. I have to go to oncologest. I am freaking out.. My husband is disabled and I am the only one working and I cant afford this. My stress is so high.
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