Hello Everyone,
I am new to this forum and I wanted to reach out in hopes that someone has had a similar experience. My mom was diagnosed with a bowel obstruction in late July of this year. She had an NG tube placed and she was NPO (nothing by mouth) for 5 days. On the sixth day, she was discharged from the hospital and the doctor stated that she was not a candidate for surgery. Therefore, her solution would be the NG tube. The day that my mother was discharged, the surgeon did not tell us if my mom's bowel obstruction was reversed or if it remained the same. Since my mom was able to have small bms on her own and did well on an all clear and full liquid died, the doctor discharged my mother.
My mom experiences a distended belly and unable to pass gas last week. I was admitted to the ER and was diagnosed with a second bowel obstruction. She has had the NG tube placed again and it seems to be helping. However, her tummy still feels tender and the doctors keep telling us that this is a slow process since my mother is not a good candidate for surgery.
Has anyone else experiences multiple bowel obstructions? If you were a non-surgical candidate, was your bowel obstruction reversed or resolved?
Any input is greatly appreciated!