Anyone else have doctors brush you off for months? I'm not diagnosed quite yet, but also have the signs and swollen lymph nodes in groin and neck. As of lately, my lower back and hip are sore to touch, so now I'm extra worried that help is too late at this point since my bones hurt.
It started as back pain after stopping my birth control. I brushed it off for weeks until finally caving and making an appointment. At the same time I got the urge to urinate A LOT. Tested for UTI, came back clean, so dx was interstitial cystitis. NSAIDS worked for back but urge to pee stayed and lymph nodes popped up.
Given amoxicillin for a virus I didn't have. Then loose stools started and constant burping. Begged for answers and got referred to a GI. Colonoscopy and endoscopy came back normal so dx was GERD and IBS.
Getting worse on meds so went back to GP. Told me IBS, and lymph nodes are just there, then asked me about my anxiety.
Switched GP who ordered a stool culture: dx - c diff! So angry I went back to my first gp to tell him. He then said he'd refer me to a specialist at a clinic four hours away. Still waiting on that appointment. I asked for a CA 125 test and he said no.
Expressed my concerns of ovarian cancer to new GP and she said tests all normal so she wasn't worried.
I've had CT scans only showing a cyst that went away, and trace free fluid in pelvis. Chest X rays for pain in my chest came back normal, cbc have only showed slightly elevated bilirubin and neutrophils.
I took it upon myself to pay for a CA 125 (9) and CEA (1.2) myself, both showing normal range. I know these tests aren't always elevated so I was relieved for like a day and then worried I'm just one of those people who doesn't have an elevated CA 125.
Sorry for the long post.. just wondering if anyone here has had all normal tests with symptoms and got diagnosed later? I clearly have lymph nodes that are hard, palpable, and on CT but no one will biopsy? My doctor's even felt them and said they're enlarged and hard. I'm not sure how to push any further. My OB says endo, and scheduled me for a laprascopic but she's on vacation and it's not for another few weeks, which is too long for me considering I'm getting worse and have lost 14 lbs since April now.
Lower back pain
Swollen lymph nodes in groin and neck
Loose stools
Stomach cramps
Constant discharge (normal PAP)
Tender spot on lower back and hip to touch
Weight loss of 14 lbs since April